We offer several ways to place an order. Please read blow for firther information about placing your stair part order from Lighted Landings.
Online Orders
To place an order online, simply add the items to your shopping cart, one at a time, and then visit the "View Cart" link at the very top of every page. Once there, you will be asked to sign into your account, creat an account, or check out as a "guest". We siggest to sign up for an account so that you may review the products after you have recvieved them, as well as track your orders with us. We accept Visa/Mastercard, American Express, Discover, as well as PayPal, and money order or cash. You will be asked to review the products after placing your order, and it is encouraged so that you can share your expierence with Lighted Landings.
To place an order over the phone please give us a call M-F 8am to 5pm CST. We advise all customers to place an order online so that you order can process faster. If you do not like ordering online or cannot place an order just give us a call.
Contractors and Installers
Lighted Landings offers great discounts to customers installing or remodeling stairs. To obtain contractor prices you must place two orders over $500 in product at retail prices. We will keep track of what you have ordered, and what your prices would have been if you were on contractor rates. On your third order, we will apply a credit towards your account for the difference you paid on the first two orders. This credit can be applied towards your third order. We will also give you full contractor discounts to our website on our wood and iron products at that point.